
Showing posts from 2020

corona spread stages 1,2 and 3

*"कोरोना स्टेज 1,2 और 3"* ये स्टेज क्या होती हैं? * पहली स्टेज* विदेश से अजय आया। एयरपोर्ट पर उसको बुखार नहीं था। उसको घर जाने दिया गया। पर उससे एयरपोर्ट पर एक शपथ पत्र भरवाया गया कि वह 14 दिन तक अपने घर में कैद रहेगा। और बुखार आदि आने पर इस नम्बर पर सम्पर्क करेगा। घर जाकर अजय ने शपथ पत्र की शर्तों का पालन किया। वह घर में कैद रहा। यहां तक कि उसने घर के सदस्यों से भी दूरी बनाए रखी। अजय की माँ ने कहा कि अरे तुझे कुछ नहीं हुआ। अलग थलग मत रह। इतने दिन बाद घर का खाना मिलेगा तुझे, आजा किचिन में... मैं गरम गरम् परोस दूं। अजय ने मना कर दिया। अगली सुबह माँ ने फिर वही बात कही। इस बार अजय को अपनी बात पर अडिग रहा । माँ की आंख में आंसू झलक आये। माँ बुरा मान गयीं। अजय ने सबसे अलग थलग ही रहता रहा। 6-7वें दिन अजय को बुखार सर्दी खांसी जैसे लक्षण आने लगे। अजय ने हेल्पलाइन पर फोन लगाया। कोरोना टेस्ट किया गया। वह पॉजिटिव निकला। अजय के घर वालों का भी टेस्ट किया गया। वह सभी नेगेटिव निकले। पड़ोस की 1 किमी की परिधि में सबसे पूछताछ की गई। ऐसे सब लोगों का टेस्ट भी किया गया। स...

The Devil’s Bridge in Kromlau Park, Germany, was designed to reflect a perfect circle in the water

DEVIL'S BRIDGE Devil' s bridge is a term applied to dozens of ancient bridges, found primarily in Europe.  Most of these bridges are stone or masonry arch bridges and represent a significant technologicalachievement in ancient architecture.   Due to their unusual design, they were an object of fascination and theories of inantiquity and medieval Europe.  Each of the Devil's bridges typically has a corresponding . Devil - related myth or folktale regarding its origin.  These stories vary widely depending on the region and beliefs.

Dubai's incredible island

The world island The World is the latest complete island paradise , with the last stone on the breakwater added on 10 January this year . It is the best way to add land mass to a city . Dubai developer , Nakheel , has added more than 1500 km of beach front to the Dubai coastline . A There are 300 different islands in the shape of the continents , on which the developers can choose , to build estates on . All islands are accessible only by marine or air transport , with world - class marinas to berth boats , yachts and cruise liners . The Palm Jumeirah The Palm Islands are made of 3 different types of Palm Islands ; Palm Jumeirah , Palm Deira and Palm Jabel Ali . Facts : ( RA surrounding crescent island that forms an 11 km - long breakwater . It created 4 , 000 residences 50 hotels , 1 , 400 villas on 11 of the fronds of the island and 2 , 500 shoreline apartments in 20 buildings on the east side of the trunk . Covers an area of 7 million square meters R ...

After breaking off the branch, the leaves of the tree turn yellow from green.

The chlorolytes contained in it are reduced and the color of the leaves turn yellow?   The leaves of the tree are green due to the chlorophyll contained in it and the color of the chlorophyll is green.   With chlorophyll, trees prepare their food.  This process is called photosynthesis.   In this process the trees also release oxygen.  This oxygen is essential for animals to survive.   With chlorophyll, carbon dioxide and solar energy, the trees convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and produce the food they need.   Once the branch is broken, the leaves of the tree turn yellow from the green, as they do not get the required food.   That is, the chlorophyll contained in it is eliminated and the color of the leaves also turns yellow.  Due to the entire chlorophyll drying The leaves dry up after being yellow.  The leaves contain chlorophyll which gives the leaves a green color. ...

Singapore’s Jewel Changi Airport is home to the world’s tallest indoor waterfall

 Jewel changi airport Changi Airport is Singapore's main airport.  This airport has proved to be the best in the world due to the advanced technology.  The airport is world renowned for its 24-hour movie theaters, shopping, sports and swimming pool facilities. What is special is that it also has the longest indoor waterfall in the world. This is why Singapore's Changi Airport has been awarded the World's Best Airport for the seventh time in a row. The airport received a total of 24 awards in 2014.  At first glance this airport seems to be equipped with hi-tech facilities. The airport employs more than 28ooo employees.  There are three terminals with a combined passenger capacity of approximately 6 annually.  6 million.  Here's the take-off or landing of one flight per 90 seconds. Source: www. worldairportawards. com